Portfolio development

Support for the development of your company!

Our corporate service supports companies in Duisburg and helps them to tap into their development potential. In doing so, we rely on an internal and external partner network. 


What we do: 

  • Central contact: We are the contact for all individual, location-related issues and, for example, for the procurement of funding and support for innovation and transformation projects. 
  • Networking: We connect companies with experts from science, administration and business in all phases of development. 
  • Company networks and events: We organize events for networking and knowledge transfer. 
  • Key account management: We approach companies with our key account meetings and can thus provide support and develop solutions at an early stage. 


What you get out of it: 

  • Targeted support: receive direct help with location-related issues. We provide information on funding programmes and put you in touch with the relevant authorities, for example for project funding for digitalization. 
  • Exclusive events and networks: Take advantage of access to our events and networks to identify and exploit potential - from “Business beim Brötchen” to the “Sparkassen Immobilien-Talk” and “OB im Wirtschaftsdialog”. 
  • Personal advice: Benefit from individual advice. 


Current and upcoming projects

  • Key account management: we work together to identify open challenges and develop solutions for your specific requirements. 
  • Business beim Brötchen (BBB): Together with the “Business for Duisburg” interest group, we offer keynote speeches on business topics as well as networking events at various locations in Duisburg. The upcoming dates: Mon, Sept. 30; Fri, Nov. 8. 


Previous projects: 

  • Networks in business parks: Supporting and strengthening the local economy in areas such as Neumühl and Neuenkamp-Kaßlerfeld through local networking. 
  • Cybercrime roadshow: Joint information and networking event on cybercrime together with the IT association networker NRW e.V. 
  • Individual case advice: Advice and development of solutions for specific concerns. 
  • Events: Know-how transfer into business practice, such as at the Duisbots Innovation Day. 
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